Forever Young Body Clinic

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The 5 Worst Things You’re Doing To Your Skin

FYBC 9:7.jpgWhen it comes to your complexion, seeing a dermatologist isn’t the most important thing. What matters most is how you treat your skin every day. Whether you pride yourself in taking careful care of your skin or hardly touch your face, there are common missteps that can seriously mess with your complexion.  By stopping these 5 mistakes, you will be that much closer to healthier, younger looking skin.

Forgetting to wear sunscreen every day, including during winter: 

Although UV rays are much stronger during the summer, they are present and active all year-long. UV won’t turn your skin red but they can cause wrinkling, age spots, and even cancer. Don’t forget that UV rays can penetrate the clouds and glass, so protect yourself with SPF all year round.


Taking long, hot showers:

Long, hot showers are a sure-fire way to turn your skin flaky and dry! Hot water strips the oil and moisture from your skin, leaving it itchy. So, if you already have dry skin, the worst thing you can do is take more hot showers. A great rule of thumb; if your mirror steams up, your water is too hot. Turn down the temperature and get out before your skin prunes. After showering, apply lotion!


Not getting enough sleep:

Aside from under eye circles, sleeping too little doesn’t allow your skin to repair itself. Nighttime is an important time for your skin as it works to create, mend and shed skin cells. For healthier looking skin, you should get at least 7 hours of sleep a night.

Going to sleep without washing your face:

Although you should be washing your face twice a day (when you wake up and before you go to be), as long as you wash before bed, all is well. Sleeping with impurities, makeup and built up oil will not only disrupt your cell turnover causing your skin to look dull but it will clog your pores and cause black heads.

Attempting to scrub acne away:
Acne is a hormonal issue, not a hygiene problem. That being said, excessively cleaning your skin with soap and other exfoliants will only hurt you not help. Over-cleansing will inhibit medications or other products from clearing your condition. Instead of scrubbing, wash your face gently with a cleanser that contains salicylic acid.
For more information on what you should be doing to keep your skin healthy and happy looking, get a skin consultation from one of our skin care professionals. Book an appointment today.