Forever Young Body Clinic

Downtown Denver’s premier waxing and facial spa!

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Ways To Maximize Your Natural Beauty

FYBC 7:20

There is a never ending stream of beauty products, application techniques, and makeup trends to keep up on. If you aren’t plugged into the beauty world or just prefer the natural look, here are a few ways to stay true to what you love and look beautiful while doing so.

Tinted BB CreamThick foundation or concealer is not ideal for the summer months or for those looking for minimal coverage. BB cream is a great way to even out your facial tone and inconsistencies with less product. Maybelline Dream Pure (in your desired shade) is just enough coverage and tint to let your natural complexion shine through.

Neutral Eye Shadows–  A little eyeshadow goes a long way! If you are looking to dress up your look in a subtle way, an eyeshadow palette with colors that complement your complexion undertones can help you achieve your desired look. A palette perfect for the sublet and natural approach is is the Urban Decay Naked2 available at Sephora for just $29.00!

Go Mascara Free Mascara can be such a hassle! If you are looking for a more natural and convenient alternative to mascara, eyelash extensions maybe perfect for you. Our eyelash extensions are natural looking and give you the ability to wake up and look ready for the day.

Let Your Roots Grow OutThe ombre look is gorgeous and can actually happen naturally if your original hair color is compatible with the current color of your hair. This trendy hairstyle is as simple as letting your hair grow.

Be yourself and enhance your natural beauty! Summer time is the best time to let your true self-shine. If you are interested in lash extensions or any of our other beauty services, contact us or book an appointment today!

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Summer Is The Time For A Lash Tint & Extensions

fybc 6:20:17Add a little sass to your lashes this summer. Here at Forever Young Body Clinic, we have a few options if you are looking to show some love to your lashes, the lash tint or the lash extensions. Depending on your desired look and lifestyle, one or the other will work better for you.

Lash Extensions:

Lash extensions are a great way to significantly increase the length and fullness of your natural eyelashes. Along with giving your lashes an extra “umph”, they can seriously cut down the amount of time you spend in the mirror fussing with mascara. Lash extensions are perfect If you are on constantly on the go because they keep you looking well-kempt now matter how crazy your day get. Lash extensions are the more dedicated and expensive option of the two. In order to keep them looking natural and new, you have to proceed with a bit more care and spend a bit more money. For some, it is totally worth it!

Lash Tint:

The lash tint trend is growing more and more popular over the year. Lash tints are great because they give the appearance of darker, more noticeable lashes for a cheaper price. A lash tint is also a more manageable alternative to lash extensions. Although this procedure does not add significant length like extensions, it does create the illusion of longer and thicker lashes.

Here at Forever Young, we offer superb lash tints and extension services each and every day. With our professional care and skilled lash technicians, we can help you look your all time best. If you are ready to witness the wonders of our lash services, make your appointment online today! You will wish you did it sooner.

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The History Of Lash Extensions Over Time

Lash Extension Over Time.jpgThe desire for longer, fuller looking lashes is nothing new.  In fact, the desire for longer eyelashes has been trending for decades if not longer! From classic Hollywood stars all the way to the Kardashians, lash extensions have been an iconic staple in the fashion and beauty world for many years. Before strip lashes were invented, Parisians used to sew strips of hair onto their eyelids without anesthetic (ouch!) to create full and more desirable lashes. Since then we have come up with new ways to achieve the appearance of long, luscious lashes. in the 1930s, strip lashes were created, experiencing a surge of popularity as salons began to offer lash extensions on their service menu. Although getting lash extensions was popular, color and texture of the false lashes were limited. In the 1960s, the business of lash extensions took off as new and more realistic options became available. Today we offer the most gorgeous and natural-looking lash extensions around, without the hassle of messy strip lashes. Now you can bat those long lashes with confidence. Make your appointment with us today for the look you want.